

BeachPeople first started out in 2016 as an ocean sports club for adults, plain and simple. Then Covid hit and group activities went out of the window. Rather than sit around waiting for lockdown to end we hunted around to find a way to make a positive difference to our local seas and beaches.

As a result we have three campaigns:

Designating Whitley Lake as a Bathing Water by Defra

This in a small way attempts to reduce the amount of sewage discharged into Poole Harbour by designating Whitley Lake, Kite Beach, Sandbanks as a bathing water so that it is sampled 20 times per bathing season by the EA

Water Quality Display on Kite Beach

This is intended to display bathing water quality, results of the EA tests and BeachPeople's own tests etc.

Derelict Boats In Poole Harbour

This we call Badboats - it aims to have all the derelict glass fibre boats removed from Poole and Christchurch harbours to prevent the non bio-degradeable strands of fibre becoming a permanent and damaging part of the ecosystem. IT is a joint collaboration between BCP Council, Poole Harbour Commission and BeachPeople.

Drinking Water Fountain on Kite Beach

BeachPeople is working with Wessex Water and Cllr Mark Anderson of BCP Council to have a water fountain installed at Kite Beach, Sandbanks in order to cut down on single use plastics which pile up around the bins on busy days

If you feel the campaigns are worthy of your support then you can make a donation of any amount here.

If you only wish to contribute to one specific campaign please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..