

This is a closed group. You will have to be a member of this group to view the group's content.
Shouting at traffic

Shouting at traffic

Me trying to keep my opinions off the site

  • BeachPeople (and the OSC to be) is an Ocean Sports and Fitness Club - my personal and political views should have no place in it.

    But as the only writer (and having gone through 14 months of questionable isolation), it's hard to differentiate my view on the world from reality.

    And (I sense for anyone right now), it's equally impossible for anyone to know what reality is.

    My solution on Boxing day 2012 was to stop reading the news, stock up and not to care until it kicks in the door of a 200lb 6ft single male in rental with no kids and no fucks to give.

    Now all that is [perhaps] over - I feel I should let the OSC become what it wants to be without me polluting the waters.

    So I'll limit my opinions / missives and rants to this group - I may link to it - but nobody need feel obliged to join.


  • Category
  • Created
    Saturday, 29 May 2021
  • Group admin