

This is a closed page. You will have to be a member of this page to view the page's content.


Report bugs/feedback/sugestions here

  • "Big fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite them, and little fleas have lesser fleas, and so ad infinitum"..

    ..and so it is in world of Open Source development, where a new module here or a change there means a silent cataclysm somewhere else

    Originally the site was developed live, meaning user data was lost on rollback - now we have a development and test environment but since user data cannot be separated from the underlying system, we close the main site during development roll-outs.

    This pages is for reporting issues and its on a simplest first approach - if it does the trick in reporting bugs effectively then great - if something more complex is needed (like a ticketing system) then one will be evaluated and installed.

  • Category
  • Created
    Tuesday, 25 June 2019
  • Page admin