Boscombe going straight in at number 33 in the worst places to live in England (see the top 50 here bit.ly/3hQRfWq under the winner Peterborough) yielded rather an eloquently worded and contemplative response in the echo from Cllr Farquhar - fair play to...www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/18991548.boscombe-n…
Boscombe going straight in at number 33 in the worst places to live in England (see the top 50 here bit.ly/3hQRfWq under the winner Peterborough) yielded rather an eloquently worded and contemplative response in the echo from Cllr Farquhar - fair play to him:
"For Cllr Farquhar, the result of this poll can be attributed to austerity and the losses that followed.
He said: "125,681 votes to produce the table gives an avenue for folks to voice their disappointment, however there are more productive ways to instigate the change people desire.
"Boscombe is recognised as one of the most deprived areas in the country and the driving factors for this deprivation leads to the people and communities living in a deprived area losing hope and the will to fight for change. Politicians have a role to play in changing that, but unfortunately too often not the accountability for their policies and decisions that lead to the deprivation.
"I am referring mainly to the last decade of austerity and the many losses it results in, not least 21,500 fewer police officers but also the closing of Sure Start centres, the loss of funding to youth centres and activities.
"Public and local authority funding cuts resulting in the loss of services unless they are statutory, one of the most important of these is the massive reductions in mental health provision at a time when more people than ever are in dire need.
"An end to austerity and the investment in people and public services is the right place to start and what is needed for our communities to be given the hope and will to fight for change back.
"How effective this article will be in achieving this, I can’t say, but if it can be used to help, then so be it. To do otherwise just adds to the problem not helping the solutions needed." , the result of this poll can be attributed to austerity and the losses that followed.
He said: "125,681 votes to produce the table gives an avenue for folks to voice their disappointment, however there are more productive ways to instigate the change people desire.
"Boscombe is recognised as one of the most deprived areas in the country and the driving factors for this deprivation leads to the people and communities living in a deprived area losing hope and the will to fight for change. Politicians have a role to play in changing that, but unfortunately too often not the accountability for their policies and decisions that lead to the deprivation.
"I am referring mainly to the last decade of austerity and the many losses it results in, not least 21,500 fewer police officers but also the closing of Sure Start centres, the loss of funding to youth centres and activities.
"Public and local authority funding cuts resulting in the loss of services unless they are statutory, one of the most important of these is the massive reductions in mental health provision at a time when more people than ever are in dire need.
"An end to austerity and the investment in people and public services is the right place to start and what is needed for our communities to be given the hope and will to fight for change back.
"How effective this article will be in achieving this, I can’t say, but if it can be used to help, then so be it. To do otherwise just adds to the problem not helping the solutions needed."
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