

Selected articles and posts from Club members

Editor added 14 photos to Stream Photos album in Featured page 3 years ago

19th April 2021

(There are about a dozen photos but the site only shows the first five - click on any to browse through the all of them).

Spring sprung on us all of a sudden so finally there's stuff to put on the Featured pages again (small yay).

So far we've had three events - a couple of eight...
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Editor added 2 photos to Stream Photos album in Featured page 4 years ago

Posted on the Club Blog December 19th 2020

If you've looked at the surf forecast and wondered why the stars shown are different colours, then this Saturday Night & Sunday Morning's forecasts for Bournemouth are a really good example of how that works.

In the screenshot below of Saturday's surf...
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Editor added 4 photos to Stream Photos album in Featured page 4 years ago

From the Club's internal blog on the 3rd of October ..

"..Sandbanks yesterday had an impressive art installation on it as part of the 2020 Arts By The Sea. It's bedsheets primarily which weren't faring well against recent high winds but it's definitely worth checking out"

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Editor added 2 photos to Stream Photos album in Featured page 4 years ago

Photos posted yesterday on the club's internal blog

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Editor added 2 photos to Stream Photos album in Featured page 4 years ago

Posted on the Club's Internal Blog, September 14th,

God what a perfect day today was.

After the usual wade I lay in the shallows by North Haven for half an hour with my head on my tow buoy (had be careful not to type 'toy boy' there) with hundreds of tiny fish nibbling at me - it must be spawning...
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Editor added a photo to Stream Photos album in Featured page 4 years ago

Posted September 10th on the Club's internal Blog.

Poole Harbour today was flat as an out of tune lasagna.

The sun still has power in it so, despite the occasional cloud, it was warm on my back for the entire 90 minute wade – so lovely in fact that I forgot to fin, I just had the best time...
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Posted September 10th on the Club's internal Blog. Poole Harbour today was flat as an out of tune lasagna. The sun still has power in it so, despite the occasional cloud, it was warm on my back for the entire 90 minute wade – so lovely in fact that I forgot to fin, I just had the best time zoned-out listening to music and wondering how much longer I get to do this. I’m 52 you know. [Perhaps overly-] seasoned yachters were coming in off the water around six just gobsmacked by how calm and peaceful it was – we all just drifted around and at times I was probably the fastest engine-free person out there. It was absolutely idyllic tonight, as the photo would clearly show had it been taken by anyone else. It did occur to me that to encourage others to discover the Joy of Wading, a medium sized remote-control floating bar might do the trick – if your beer is moving gently away from you at 1mph across the harbour then you’re damn well gonna follow it. Bit of music, a few lights.. it’s hard to see what laws I’d be breaking but I am sure they will write new ones just for me. We have more good weather next week tho let’s not put any money on it as we are on the brink of what I tactfully refer to as the godawfully **** season when the skies go grey, the water goes cold and I go to Gatwick. . .
Editor added a photo to Stream Photos album in Featured page 4 years ago

Posted on the Club's travel group September 8th

Well allllllllrighty then.

It's travel season and yes I am fully aware that The Event makes it tricky (there's a metric fuckton of information about travel advisories etc. on the BeachPeople Travel page here bit.ly/328dpgQ).


Bournemouth to Faro for...
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Posted on the Club's travel group September 8thWell allllllllrighty then.It's travel season and yes I am fully aware that The Event makes it tricky (there's a metric fuckton of information about travel advisories etc. on the BeachPeople Travel page here https://bit.ly/328dpgQ).But..Bournemouth to Faro for £16 one way.Bournemouth to Tenerife for £20 one way.Bournemouth to Paphos for £20 one way - that's practically Syria!.. right now the skies are open (the bars and hotels are closed when you get there admittedly but at least it'll be warm and sunny) and September only has a few weeks left - October is when it gets grim here.£16-£20 one way for a trip in October has to be worth a punt - then keep bouncing to non-quarantine countries until you can find a pathway home once the freezing drizzle/riots/quarantines etc have all abated.Sounds fun no?
Editor added 3 photos to Stream Photos album in Featured page 4 years ago

Images posted on the Club's internal Blog Sept 1st following a bike ride from Sandbanks to Hengitsbury and back

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Editor added 6 photos to Stream Photos album in Featured page 4 years ago

Posted on the Club's blog during Storm Francis, August 25th 2020

A few shots of the sea conditions as the 'warm storm' hits - its actuallly really pleasant to be out in the high winds.

The shots are in order - Bournemouth Pier West side, Boscombe car park, Boscombe Pier West side, Boscombe Pier...
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Editor added 2 photos to Stream Photos album in Featured page 4 years ago

Posted 24th August in the Windsurfers Group

A couple of shots from David over in Bognor using a GoPro strapped to his mast

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Editor added 4 photos to Stream Photos album in Featured page 4 years ago

Posted on the Club's internal blog August 21st 2020 (paraphrased)

Boscombe is currently singled out as the only beach along the Dorset Coast to have had a pollution warning following the heavy rains (for three days in fact) - first two images.

Things get odder as you dive into the data - according to...
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Phil So Boscombe pier has not one but two outfalls - one for land water and one further out for sewer overflow.

Right by one of the two best surf spots on the Dorset coast.

Don't swim after a storm certainly holds true.
4 years ago
Editor added 4 photos to Stream Photos album in Featured page 4 years ago

August 20th - a few photos from the club's internal blog - it looks like wakeboarding may be on the agenda again soon!

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Editor added 2 photos to Stream Photos album in Featured page 4 years ago

Posted 15th August on the Club's internal blog

Somewhere in that first photo is one of the huge Cruise Liners that has been moored off Boscombe for months but shrouded in a torrential downpour that you could probably have strolled away from had it been on land - there was practically no wind (this...
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Editor added 4 photos to Stream Photos album in Featured page 4 years ago

Posted 12th August 2020 in the Club's internal blog.

"I de-ferried, looked to the left along Studland Beach (thousands of people all plonked on the sand mooing) and then to the right (silence). The water there looked inviting too so in I went.

Maybe 20 minutes of wading in clear warm water on flat...
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Editor added a photo to Stream Photos album in Featured page 4 years ago

Posted 11th August 2020

"A Day At The Beach" Unknown Artist, £1M.

Posted 11th August 2020"A Day At The Beach" Unknown Artist, £1M.
Editor added a photo to Stream Photos album in Featured page 4 years ago

Posted 11th August 2020 in "Today Tomorrow.."

Found the perfect place to launch from today - a gorgeous [relatively] quiet sandy beach within cycling distance - please excuse the cloudy picture but the phone was in a waterproof case.

The sea was just perfect - ten foot + visibility and crazy warm...
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Posted 11th August 2020 in "Today Tomorrow.."Found the perfect place to launch from today - a gorgeous [relatively] quiet sandy beach within cycling distance - please excuse the cloudy picture but the phone was in a waterproof case. The sea was just perfect - ten foot + visibility and crazy warm. I dived down to pick something off the sea floor only to be hauled up short by the toy buoy. Yet another example of interference by the Nanny State.


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Editor added 3 photos to Stream Photos album in Featured page 4 years ago

Posted 8th August.

Parking Sandbanks Style ;o).

Slack water today was perfect for a 1k wade/4k fin - zero wind so not all all kitey which means you can just zone out - the only existential threat was a Cornish Shrimper under power 50' away that I could not hear under the water *at all*.

Were they...
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Editor added 4 photos to Stream Photos album in Featured page 4 years ago

Posted on the Friday Night paddle event August 7th.

"Am just back from the Friday Night paddle - North Haven to Brownsea Pottery Pier then back via PYC.

Just me, Biker Phil and his beard - he was on his one ton sit on, I was in the little blue squirly boat that so needs a skeg.

The water was...
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Editor added 3 photos to Stream Photos album in Featured page 4 years ago

For those of you considering travel to the Caribbean islands - here's an extract from an article posted on our travel group about hurricanes - some islands are safer than others.

"Welcome back, so straight in to Caribbean Hurricane History and NOAA have a brilliant tool to visually show you all the...
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