Editor added a photo to Stream Photos album in Featured page 4 years ago

Posted September 10th on the Club's internal Blog.

Poole Harbour today was flat as an out of tune lasagna.

The sun still has power in it so, despite the occasional cloud, it was warm on my back for the entire 90 minute wade – so lovely in fact that I forgot to fin, I just had the best time...
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Posted September 10th on the Club's internal Blog. Poole Harbour today was flat as an out of tune lasagna. The sun still has power in it so, despite the occasional cloud, it was warm on my back for the entire 90 minute wade – so lovely in fact that I forgot to fin, I just had the best time zoned-out listening to music and wondering how much longer I get to do this. I’m 52 you know. [Perhaps overly-] seasoned yachters were coming in off the water around six just gobsmacked by how calm and peaceful it was – we all just drifted around and at times I was probably the fastest engine-free person out there. It was absolutely idyllic tonight, as the photo would clearly show had it been taken by anyone else. It did occur to me that to encourage others to discover the Joy of Wading, a medium sized remote-control floating bar might do the trick – if your beer is moving gently away from you at 1mph across the harbour then you’re damn well gonna follow it. Bit of music, a few lights.. it’s hard to see what laws I’d be breaking but I am sure they will write new ones just for me. We have more good weather next week tho let’s not put any money on it as we are on the brink of what I tactfully refer to as the godawfully **** season when the skies go grey, the water goes cold and I go to Gatwick. . .